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Professional Development and Career Coaching


Many of the individuals I work with are at crossroads in their careers - often feeling stuck or unclear regarding their next professional steps or finding their professional lives are lacking meaning or direction, even if objectively successful. Others know what they want to achieve professionally but are experiencing challenges in getting there - whether due to external or relational circumstances or, more frequently, due to self-imposed limitations. Either way, it can be difficult to know where to start in order to facilitate changes, or to find the time to do so during busy or stressful periods alongside other life demands. Coaching can therefore be an extremely helpful way of creating a space to take stock and explore ways to move forward, as well as providing accountability for next steps.


Typical coaching topics include helping individuals to:

  • Explore or implement professional and career transitions, including internal promotions and projects, returns from parental leave, new roles, re-specialisations, and complete career changes; 

  • Gain direction, clarity and perspective around career or business visions;

  • Improve working relationships and people management (including stakeholders, reportees and within teams);

  • Work through difficulties with low confidence or lack of career direction and motivation;

  • Understand and consider their strengths, values and passions, and how these may be integrated into their career visions;

  • Improve stress, time, anxiety and boundary management; and

  • Plan and implement next career or business steps. 

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